Monday 5 November 2012

View from the Edge, literally!

Second trip to Reykjavik

The view from the very edge, looking out into Faxafloi Bay, Reykjavik. A workers lunchtime retreat and below the view out towards the island of Akurey(puffin colony and rabbit breeding ground) taken from the Gongustigur or path.   


Impressive sea defences and can just make out part a large group of Eider ducks. The general view is grey, very heavy grey. Nearly eleven o'clock on a November morning with quite a high swell. The previous days Iceland had been blasted by winds of 28m/s (60 plus mph) which according to my reckoning is storm force 11 on the Beaufort scale and linked to a tide surge of 13 metres just one classification below hurricane.


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