Wednesday 5 September 2012

Northumberlandia - Goddess of the north / Slag Alice

The worlds largest landform sculpture. In the shape of a naked woman is an interesting and controversial regeneration project constructed using the waste material from the adjacent quarry. Alegdedly inspired by the distant Cheviot hills in the background the terraced pathways have more in common with the roads used by the huge but dwarfed machinery of the adjacent quarry site.    

The terraced roads of the quarry with The Cheviots in the background. the site is far from peaceful with proximity of the quarry, the Shotton open pit and major roads. Truly an industrial area its not somewhere most people would think to spend leisure without the landform. I suspect most of the people visiting the site wouldn't make use of a nature trail or wildlife park.  

The park will get better in time but the the lakes are already being colonised. A skein of 25 Grey Legged geese fly in each dusk taking a flight path over the nose and landing in one of the lakes

Undeniably feminine from some angles, the face is more interesting in profile

The face is a bit of a twee gimick for me, more interesting are the constantly evolving views and the paths which from an elevation look like nascar lines. Very good wheelchair access once past the stony woodland entrance.

Looks better in profile for sure

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